June 7, 2023

FIBENELUX Summit 2023

In Focus

“How small countries can create a massive impact”

What are the obstacles and opportunities within the sectors of #healthtech #cleanteach #smartcities and #smartmobility?

How and where can innovation and business collaboration between and among #Finland and the #Benelux region be increased to maximize sustainability?

These were some of the many questions and themes that were addressed and discussed, in presentations and within dynamic panels, during our #FiBenelux summit in #Helsinki last week. Some of the keywords and concepts that emerged were the importance of #collaboration#connection#trust and the need to work together in new ways to turn challenges into opportunities. Also, as highlighted in the brilliant keynote by Asta Raami, PhD, the crucial role #intuition plays in this, as well as for #innovation in general, in order to tap into our inherent potential.

As everybody agreed, this is the beginning and not the end of what will be many more discussions and future international business collaborations between different types of players in these regions.

We wish to express heartfelt thank you to all the partners that helped this event become a reality, as well as all our speakers, moderators, panelists and enthusiastic audience! Also, a special shoutout to the magnificent Meri Helleranta for energetically guiding us throughout the day!

Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce Finnish Dutch Chamber of Commerce @Embassy of Finland in Brussels Helsingin seudun kauppakamari – Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce @Embassy of the Netherlands in Finland @Embassy of Belgium in Helsinki @Embassy of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway
@Belgian Embassy in Finland, Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT).

  • 9.00 – Registration, coffee and networking opportunities
  • 10.00 – Opening the event
    Business environment in Finland and the Benelux countries.
    Learning more about the market and culture of the country of your interest, parallel discussion groups
  • 12.15-13.15 –  Lunch, getting to know people and organisations 
  • 13.15 – Building effective working practices across borders
    Sharing key insights and ideas 
  • 13.45 – Discussing industry specific challenges and opportunities, choose one from
    – Clean Tech
    – Smart cities and mobility
    – Health Tech
  • 15.30 – Crystallising key insights from the Summit 
  • 16.00 – Formal end of the event
  • 16.00-17.00 – Informal networking
  • Dr. Asta Raami, a leading expert on intuition in Finland
  • Juha Markkanen, Director of Team Finland Trade Promotion Unit, Department for Foreign Trade, MFA
  • Jukka Appelqvist, Chief Economist at Keskuskauppakamari
  • Antti AumoSenior Director, Investment in Finland at Business Finland
  • Christoffer Waselius, Honorary Consul of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to Finland
  • Jouko Leinonen, Ambassador, Embassy of Finland to Belgium and Luxembourg
  • Henri Schumacher, Ambassador of Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg to Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway
  • Alexis de Crombrugghe de Picquendaele, Belgium Ambassador
  • Govert Jan Bijl de Vroe, Ambassador of the Netherlands in Finland
  • Heli Antila, VP Biobased solutions, Fortum
  • Sami Sahala, Lead Smart Mobility Expert, Forum Virium Helsinki (Innovation Subsidiary of City of Helsinki)
  • Harriet Gullstén, MSc, PhD
    Head of Viikki Innovations, Viikki Innovation Platform
    Helsinki University
  • Egbert Schram
    Group CEO Hofstede Insights, Official member Forbes Business Council

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