Alexis de CROMBRUGGHE was born in Genk, Belgium, on 27 February 1963. Father was a mining engineer and university professor. Married to Isabelle Fontaine and they have two children.
He graduated as a lawyer from the University of Louvain (KULeuven) and got an MA in International Law and Politics and an MBA at the Vlerick School for Management, University of Gent in 1989. He was an Attorney at Law at the Brussels Bar from September 1989 till September 1992, when he entered diplomatic service.
Postings were Bangkok (1994-1998), Harare (1998-2002), Africa department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2002-2005), Relex (foreign relations) Counsellor dealing both with EU sanctions files and civilian and military operations of the EU at the Peace and Security Committee (PSC) (2005-2011).
Chair of the Relex Committee of the Council during the Belgian Presidency of the EU (2d half of 2010)
Belgian Chargé d’Affaires a.i. at the PSC between April and June 2011
1st Counsellor in charge of the coordination of the Council geographical working groups representatives at the Permanent Representation of Belgium to the EU, following up Africa and European Free Trade Area files as well as human resources files for Belgians applying to EU institutions. Follow up EU financial instruments (2011-2014).
Legal advisor at the Public International Law Directorate of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in charge of the Law of the Sea, EU and UN sanctions and privileges and immunities files in Brussels (2014-2017)
Ambassador of Belgium in Astana, now Nur-Sultan, accredited to Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan and Tajikistan (2017-2021).
Since September 2021: ambassador of Belgium in Helsinki, accredited to Estonia and Finland.